I've learned ...
-You can not make someone love you, all you can do is love someone, the rest is up to them...
-It may take years to gain trust but it only takes a few moments to completely shatter it...
-It is not what, but who you have in your life that counts...
-You can get by on charm for about 15 minutes, after that you had better know something...
-In an instant you can do something that will cause you heartache for a lifetime...
-It will take a lifetime to become the person I want to be..
-You really can keep going on long after you think you can't...
-I am responsible for everything I do and say, regardless of how I felt when i said or did something...
-You either control your attitude or it controls you...
-Heroes are the people who do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, regardless of the circumstances or consequences...
-Money is a lousy way of keeping score...
-Sometimes the people who you expect to kick you while you are down are the one to reach down and pull you up...
-Even if I am angry or hurt, I do not have the right to be cruel...
-Just because someone doesn't love you the way that you want them to, doesn't mean that they don't love you with all the have and the best that they can...
-Maturity has a lot more to do with experience than with birthdays...
-Another person's forgivness is not always enough, You need to forgive yourself as well...
-Background and circumstances have contributed to who you are, but you are responsible for who you become...
-2 people can look at the same thing and see two different things and both be right...
-No matter how hard you try to protect me, I will get hurt, and you will hurt in the process, and for that I am truly sorry...
-Your life can be drastically changed forever in a matter of seconds by someone that you don't even know, and may never know...
-When you think that you have nothing left to give and a friend calls out for help, you will always be able to find the strength and do what it is needed of you...
-You will never be alone during your most heartwrenching, and overwhelming battles, as long as you surrender yourself to the people who love you...
-The person that you parents have tried to protect you from the most is yourself...
- I have learned that the people that you love the most will be taken from you long before you will ever be ready to say good-bye...
The True Story of the Star-spangled Banner
9 years ago